Facebook latest placement papers of December are listed in Indiahires.in. Get your latest Facebook placement questions from Indiahires.

Q1. Create the data structure for a component that will receive a series of numbers over time and, when asked, returns the median of all received elements. 

(Median: the numerical value separating the higher half of a data sample from the lower half. Example: if the series is 

2, 7, 4, 9, 1, 5, 8, 3, 6 

then the median is 5.) 

Model the data structure for a component that would have these two methods:

@interface SampleHandler {

– (void)and number:(NSNumber*)number;

– (NSNumber*)median;


Q2. You want to create a staff to use in your martial arts training, and it has to meet some specific requirements. 

1. You want it to be composed of two smaller staves of equal length so that you can either use it as a single staff or as two smaller ones. 

2. You want the full-sized staff’s center of gravity to be exactly in the middle of the staff. 

You have a very, very long branch from which you can cut the pieces for your staff. The mass of the branch varies significantly throughout it, so you use just any two pieces of the same length. Given a description of the mass throughout the branch, determine the longest staff you can make, then return three integers on a single line, the first two indicating the first index of each half-staff, and the third indicating the length of each half-staff. 

The input will be given on a single line as a string of digits [1-9], each digit representing the mass of a section of the branch. All sections are the same size and the maximum length of the string is 500. Here is an example: 


11119 11119 

If the indicated sections are cut from the branch they will satisfy your requirements. They are both the same length, and they can be put together as either 9111111119 or 1111991111, both of which have a center of gravity exactly in the center of the staff. 

The Center of gravity can be determined by taking a weighted average of the mass of each section of the staff. Given the following distances and masses: 

Distance: 12345678 

Mass: 22241211 

Some of the mass of each section: 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 15 

The weighted sum of the masses: 

2*1 + 2*2 + 2*3 + 4*4 + 1*5 + 2*6 + 1*7 + 1*8 = 60 

Weighted sum / regular sum = 60 / 15 = 4 

This means that the center of mass is in section 4 of the staff. If we wanted to use this stuff the center of gravity would need to be (8+1)/2 = 4.5. 

Here is an example problem: 


—- —- 

If we take the sections indicated we get 1312 and 1231. By reversing the first one and putting them together we get 21311231 

Some of the mass of each section: 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 14 

Weight sum of the masses: 

2*1 + 1*2 + 3*3 + 1*4 + 1*5 + 2*6 + 3*7 + 1*8 = 63 

Weighted sum / regular sum = 63 / 14 = 4.5 

This puts the center of mass exactly in the center of the staff, for a perfectly balanced staff. There isn’t a long staff that can be made from this, so the answer to this problem is 

0 8 4 

Because the half-staves begin at indices 0 and 8 (in that order) and each is of length 4.

Q3. /** 

* Implement a function OneEditApart with the following signature: 

* bool OneEditApart(string s1, string s2) 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “dog”) = false 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “cats”) = true 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “cut”) = true 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “cast”) = true 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “at”) = true 

* OneEditApart(“cat”, “acts”) = false 

* Edit is: insertion, removal, replacement 


Q4. Given an array of words, write a method that determines whether there are any words in this array that are anagrams of each other. 

Sample #1: @[@”bag”, @”bat”, @”tab”]; // output TRUE 

Sample #2: @[@”gab”, @”bat”, @”law”]; // output FALSE

Q5. An UIView A2 is subclassed from the same parent as an UIView A1. 

Given inputs of A1, A2, and an UIView that is in the tree of UIViews of A1 somewhere, return the exact UIView that mirrors this in A2. 

Example setup: 


| | 

UIView UIView 

UIView <– Given this 


| | 

UIView UIView 

UIView <– Find/return this

Q6. Given a list of n sorted lists of numbers, write a method that returns one giant list of all the numbers in order. 

Example input: 

NSArray* input = @[ 

@[@2, @5, @10], 

@[@25, @100, @105], 

@[@7, @56, @42], 



Q7. Given the following hashmap for numeric to alpha translation of a telephone keypad: 

NSDictionary* dict = @{@2: @[@”A”, @”B”, @”C”], 

@3: @[@”D”, @”E”, @”F”], 

@4: @[@”G”, @”H”, @”I”], 

@5: @[@”J”, @”K”, @”L”], 

@6: @[@”M”, @”N”, @”O”], 

@7: @[@”P”, @”Q”, @”R”, @”S”], 

@8: @[@”T”, @”U”, @”V”], 

@9: @[@”W”, @”X”, @”Y”, @”Z”]}; 

Write a method that takes a phone number as input and returns all possible letter combinations for that phone number.

Q8. Print all paths of a binary tree from root to leaf. 

Later, extend the solution to work with graphs, with careful attention to cycles which you should print as paths as well (without printing visited nodes twice).

Q9. Given two extremely large numbers – each number is stored in a Singly Linked list, with the MSB at the head. You are not allowed to reverse the Linked lists. Write a program to multiply them in optimum space and time.

Q10. input [2,3,1,4] 

output [12,8,24,6] 

Multiply all fields except their position. 


1. no use of division 

2. complexity in O(n)

Q11. Given a matrix with 1s and 0s, a rectangle can be made with 1s. What is the maximum area of the rectangle? 





11010 In this test case the result needs to be 8. 


00010 00010 

11100 11 100 

11110 11 110 

11000 11 000 

11010 11 010 

If you see above the 11s are used from the first two columns and last four rows making the area or count of 1s to be 8.

Q12. Imagine x is an operand and * is a binary operator. We say a string of x and * follows Reverse Polish notation if it is a postfix notation. 

For example strings, xx*, x, and xx*xx** follow Reverse Polish notation. 

Given a string of x and *, how many insert, delete, and replace operations are needed to make the string follow the RPN. 

For example, xx* needs 0 operations to follow RPN since it already follows RPN. 

x*x needs two operations to become xx* which follows RPN. 

*xx* needs one operation to become xx* which follows RPN. 

Your algorithm should work for a string of size up to 100.

Q13. WAP to modify the array such that arr[I] = arr[arr[I]]. 

Do this in place i.e. without using additional memory. 

example : if a = {2,3,1,0} 

o/p = a = {1,0,3,2} 

Note: The array contains 0 to n-1 integers.

Q14. Given a linked list where apart from the next pointer, every node also has a pointer named random which can point to any other node in the linked list. Make a copy of the linked list.

Q15. Microsoft Excel numbers cells as 1…26 and after that AA, AB… AAA, AAB…ZZZ and so on. 

Given a number, convert it to that format and vice versa.

Q16. Design question: Say you have hacked into a network and can deploy your bot on thousands of machines, how would you design your bot so that all the machines work together to download a website, says Wikipedia? There should be load balancing and a page should be queryable given its URL.

Q17. Given a matrix of letters and a word, check if the word is present in the matrix. E,g., suppose the matrix is: 

a b c d e f 

z n a b c f 

f g f a b c 

and the given word is fnz, it is present. However, and is not since you would be repeating g twice. 

You can move in all 8 directions around an element.

Q18. Given a matrix consisting of 0s and 1s, find the largest connected component consisting of 1s.

Q19. Given two arrays of sorted integers, merge them keeping in mind that there might be common elements in the arrays and that common elements must only appear once in the merged array.

Q20. Given a normal binary tree, write a function to serialize the tree into a string representation (returning the string), and also a function to deserialize a serialized string into the original binary tree.

Q21. Given a normal binary tree, write a function to serialize it into a string representation (returning a string), and also a function to deserialize the string into the original binary tree

Q22. A professor wants to see if two students have cheated when writing a paper. Design a function: has cheated (String s1, String s2, int N) that evaluates to true if two strings have a common substring of length N. Additional question after implementation. Assume you don’t have the possibility of using String. contains() and String. substring(). How would you implement this?

Q23. Given a list of 4 billion integers, find an integer not in the list using 4MB of memory. (the interview was in Java)

Q24. Write in Java, which converts a string representation of a float (like “342.18E-10”) to an actual float without using any built-in parsing functions.

Q25. Given a Binary Tree (balanced or not) write a method that transforms the tree into a degenerate tree (basically a data structure like a sorted linked list where each node has the left child null) and returns the new root. This must be made in place, no external memory usage is allowed.

Q26. What are the screen dimensions of various iPhone models?

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