
With the help of homeopathy, immunity is being strengthened in people as well, due to which not only corona positive patients are being corrected but also new cases are coming up.

The vaccine is being prepared all over the world to fight Coronavirus at this time. India is also a country involved in them, but along with this, homeopathy is also being used in this battle in India. With the help of homeopathy, it is being strengthened along with creating immunity in people, which is not only curing corona positive patients but also new cases are coming out.

Dr. Jawahar Shah has been practicing homeopathy in Mumbai for more than 40 years. Dr. Shah has developed a special set of medicine or medicine (CK1 and CK2) with around 100 homeopathy doctors spread across the world. This medicine works to increase the immunity of the human body so that no disease can come near you.

So far, this complete kit of medicine has been given to 22000 policemen, 4000 fire brigade members, 2000 people living in Dharavi and more than 1 lakh people. This drug affects psycho Neuro endocrine. This drug has been developed on the basis of instruction given by the Ministry of AYUSH.

Arsenic Algaum and camphor M1 certified by the Ministry of AYUSH have been included in this drug, whose demand is still in demand abroad. The most important thing about this medicine is that it has to be taken only once a month, whose course is 6 days. First CK1 medication has to be taken for three consecutive days. It has to be taken thrice a day. After this, CK2 is also to be used for three consecutive days. This too is to be taken thrice a day. In this way, the course of this medicine is 6 days in a month.

Dr. Shah also claims that now that a large number of migrants are leaving from one place to another, then they should also be given this medicine. This reduces the risk of coronavirus from spreading to these people. The cost of this medicine also does not exceed 15 to 20 rupees.

According to Dr. Shah, there are a large number of people in India who do not see any symptoms of any kind, but they are corona positive. With this, the death toll from the corona virus is also very low. Therefore, in such a situation, this homeopathy medicine will have a big role in strengthening the immunity within the people.

State Health Minister Rajesh Tope says that on the orders of the Ministry of AYUSH, we are taking the services of doctors associated with Ayurveda and Homeopathy, for which we have formed a task force of about 10 such doctors. We have also come to know that we are getting good results from homeopathy.

Dr. Shah is also a member of the task force, which has been created by the Maharashtra government with a team of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy doctors to fight the corono virus. It is the task of the task force that people who do not have symptoms but are corona positive, have to give every daily consultancy on call. Also, people who have symptoms, but are not corona positive, will also be treated with consultancy on the call itself, which will reduce the pressure on the state’s health system.

Most homeopathy colleges and most doctors practice in India. Along with this, where 25 to 30 dollars of a drug is collected abroad, its price in India is extremely low. That is why in India, this old medical system is being used in the fight against Corona.

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