If you want a recruiter to respond to your email, there are a few things you should know (and some mistakes to avoid).
So, after over 5 years of working as a recruiter, I’m going to discuss how to email a recruiter, including email samples, examples of what not to do, and more.
What we’ll talk about:
- How to cold email a recruiter
- How to email a recruiter for a job posting you saw online
- How to email your resume to a recruiter (and why you shouldn’t do this in a first email)
- How to respond to a recruiter email after they contacted you
- How to end an email to a recruiter for the best results
… All with tested email templates, so you can hit “send” with confidence.
Let’s get started…
How to Write a Cold Email to a Recruiter
To initiate a conversation with a recruiter, follow these steps: A cold email or LinkedIn message is your best bet for initiating the first contact. Keep your message succinct and direct, and demonstrate that you have a precise reason for texting this individual recruiter. This will increase your chances of receiving a response.
You don’t want to appear to be cold contacting 50 different recruiters, because none of them will want to put in the time or effort to assist you. Most recruiters at staffing companies are paid only when you take a position, and if 50 other recruiters are submitting your resume for employment, their chances aren’t great. As a result, they’ll concentrate on assisting someone else.
Begin by saying something like, “Hello NAME. I noticed you recruiting in the XYZ industry in Chicago.”
That way, they’ll know it’s not a copy-and-paste email.
Next, tell them a little bit about yourself, your past, and the type of move you’re searching for right now.
“I’m a Sales Team Leader over at ABC Company, but I may be looking for a change in the next couple of months, so I thought I’d contact out to see if it made sense to work together,” you might say.
Here’s how to conclude your email to the recruiter:
Finally, ask for a time to talk and tell them you’ll share further information on the call. This increases your chances of capturing their attention and getting them to pick up the phone!
If you simply send your resume or CV to a recruiter without their request, it is highly probable that it will be disregarded or thrown into a large pile that they will never look at.
So here’s a whole sample email that includes the components mentioned above as well as how to end an email to a recruiter:
Hello NAME,
I saw you recruit in the XYZ industry here in Chicago. I’m a Sales Team Leader over at ABC Company, but I may be looking for a change in the next couple of months, so I thought to reach out to see if it made sense to work together.
Do you have a few minutes to talk this week? I’m happy to send a copy of my resume after that if it seems like a good fit to work together.
Best regards,
Your Name
How to Email Your Resume or CV to a Recruiter
When you email your CV to a recruiter, it’s better if you’ve already had a dialogue (even if it’s just one back-and-forth email) about why you decided to approach them, what you’re looking for in your job hunt, and so on.
If you send your resume to a recruiter through cold email, they are less likely to examine it carefully. Alternatively, if you send them a quick letter beforehand, as suggested in the previous part, they will be excitedly awaiting your resume and will study it more carefully!
Word vs. PDF Resume Format for Your Resume
You may be wondering whether recruiters prefer resumes in Word or PDF format. They nearly always prefer Word format, and you may have been asked for it directly in the past, particularly when speaking with recruiters from a hiring firm or a recruitment agency.
Recruiters like Word format since it is easy to edit/change. If they recommend a change, they can swiftly phone or email you, acquire your consent to change it, and make the change themselves.
Furthermore, recruiters frequently “stamp” your resume before submitting it to other “clients” (aka employers they recruit for). The hiring manager will know who referred you, and they will know who to pay the commission to if you are hired!
(Most agency recruiters work on a “contingency” basis, meaning they are paid a fee if you are employed – usually approximately 15-20% of your starting yearly pay.) Don’t worry, this is NOT deducted from your pay. Ever. This is merely an additional fee paid by the firm to the recruiter for finding you! In fact, most employers exclusively pay recruiters from recruiting agencies in this manner).
How to Respond to a Recruiter Email if They Contact You First
If a recruiter contacts you, read their email carefully before responding with the information they’ve requested. If they inform you that they have a position that would be a good fit for your skillset and would want to see your resume, you can send it straight away. If you are not yet comfortable doing so, you can request additional information about the opportunity.
Whether they ask if you want to speak and you do, respond with “yes,” but also indicate some times when you’re available to chat and the best number to contact you at.
This reduces back-and-forth and impresses the recruiter. Every company values excellent communication abilities, and this is a terrific opportunity to demonstrate them right away!
Sample email template 1 (If they ask for your resume and you’re interested in working with them):
Hi Raj,
Thanks for contacting me! The opportunity sounds great.
I’ve attached a copy of my resume. Let me know the best time to talk and we’ll connect to discuss this further. The best number to reach me is: 555-555-5555
Best regards,
Your Name
Sample email template 2 (If they ask for your resume but you want to know more before sending it):
Hi Jhon,
Thanks for getting in touch! The opportunity sounds interesting. Can we connect on the phone for a few minutes to discuss it in more detail? I usually don’t send my resume out without knowing a bit more about the opportunity first.
I’m happy to send you my resume right after we talk if it seems like a good potential fit (or if you have other opportunities that may fit my background).
The best number to reach me: 555-555-5555
Best regards,
Your Name
Sample email template 3 (If they want to talk on the phone):
Hi Sandi,
Thanks for getting in touch! The position you mentioned sounds interesting. I’d love to talk and hear more about it.
I could talk this week from Wed – Fri, 10 AM – 4 PM Eastern Time.
My phone number: 555-555-5555
Please let me know when you plan on calling so I can make sure I’m ready and available to answer.
Best regards,
Your Name
How to End Your Email to a Recruiter
The ideal method to end an email to a recruiter is with “Best regards” or “Thank you,” followed by your name. This can be seen in the email examples above. One last thing: Before you send your email, double-check that you addressed everything the recruiter requested. If they asked for your résumé, you should either attach it or explain why it isn’t (for example, if you prefer to talk first before sending it).
If you’re sending a cold email to a recruiter without responding, make sure you’ve clearly and explicitly asked for what you want before closing your email. “Please let me know if it sounds like a good fit to work together, and we can set up a time to chat this week,” for example.
This is known as a “Call to Action,” and it is a direct request for people to respond with specific information.
When cold emailing, always include a “Call to Action.” This increases your chances of receiving a response. Professional marketers have used this strategy for years, and you can apply it in your job hunt as well!
Responding Directly to a Job Application: Email Sample
Use the template below if you’re emailing in response to a job posting online (and I recommend you DO attach your resume directly, unlike the advice above for other scenarios).
Dear NAME,
I’m writing in response to the Senior Support Technician job posting. With X years in customer support in the technology industry, I’m confident I’d be a great fit in this role and could help do.
Here’s a link to my LinkedIn profile so you can learn more about me: linkedin.com/in/yourURL
I’ve also attached my resume to this email. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts after you’ve had a chance to look.
Best regards,
Your Name
This sample email for a job application can be sent to recruiters, hiring managers, or a general business email address. When you notice a job offering online and want to send your resume straight to the posting, use this.
Always make sure you add some customization to the email
Never use a template email that you send to every organization. That will not impress the hiring manager or land you a job offer.
You’ll fare far better if you specifically include their job title, company name, or both. And explain why you decided to apply for the job and why it’s worth their time to speak with you! (For example, how you might assist THEM).
You’ll also see that your LinkedIn profile is included in the job candidate email above.
If you don’t have any information on your LinkedIn page yet, I strongly advise you to do so! Even if you don’t disclose it, hiring managers will often look you up. This article discusses the top reasons to utilize LinkedIn.
Select a concise subject line as well, such as “Senior Support Technician – Application.” This increases the likelihood that your email will be opened.
When Should You Email a Recruiter?
There are several scenarios in which emailing a recruiter is appropriate, and we covered many of them above with sample emails you can send. To summarise, here is a list of situations in which you should email a recruiter:
- You found a job posting that piqued your attention.
- You noticed that they recruit in your industry/city and would want to discuss potential opportunities.
- They approached you with a job opportunity, which seems intriguing.
- You’ve already spoken with them and are awaiting feedback on an employment opportunity.
- You sent them your resume and are waiting to hear if they have any openings that match your qualifications.
- You previously chatted with the recruiter; it didn’t work out at the time, but you’d like to reconnect to see what opportunities they’re working on now.
However, these are far from the only circumstances in which you should contact a recruiter. So, whenever in doubt, send that email! There’s no harm in trying, and sitting at home wondering and second-guessing yourself is far worse.
It’s not worth worrying about the optimal time of day to email a recruiter. In my experience, morning or noon is preferable, however many recruiters read their emails during the evening as well. If not, they’ll see it first thing in the morning.
As a result, the optimum moment to contact a recruiter is whenever you are ready to submit your message.
Recruiters can assist job searchers in obtaining further prospects, interviews, and job offers. As a recruiter, I’ve even helped clients discover their dream job when they had no prior connections or interviews!
However, you must first capture the recruiter’s attention and deliver your message in a direct and professional manner. That is the most effective technique to persuade recruiters to devote their time to assist you in finding a new job.
When you follow the guidelines and templates above, you will receive more responses and assistance when sending emails and cold messages to recruiters.
Last but not least, make sure you have a professional-sounding email address.
And, if you include your phone number in emails or on your CV, check to see if your voicemail recording sounds professional. It’s possible that you recorded it many years ago and forgot about it, so it’s worth double-checking.